Webcomics aren't ready for the Web. Each page is spread over multiple webpages, wasting time and bandwidth. Its bad for authors & really bad for readers, especially on phones. Comix-ngn works faster than any server alone.
	Instead of constantly requesting the same assets every page, comix-ngn handles everything in browser, loading only the next page when it needs. The result is that the webcomics load much faster for the end user, and its much more efficient than the traditional methods.
<script src="comixngn.js.org/ghs/1.1.1/comixngn.min.js"></script>
<div id="cng" class="venue"></div>
Adding the class venue turns any element into a stage
<div cglink="cng"><button class="prev"></button><button class="next"></button></div>
Adding the attribute cglink turns any element into a controller. Note: cglink binds the controller to a [stage]
<script src="bellerophon.cng.min.js"></script>
[Recommended]: For fastest load time, copy and paste the contents of bellerophon.cng.min.embed.html into your html. While this adds 1.8KB to your HTML file that won't be cached, it will virtually eliminate the app from increasing the load time of your site*.
set defer = true or !0, to defer the loading of all of the apps scripts so that it is removed from the critical render path. Set it to false or 0, to load immediately [Not Recommended].
set mainsrc to the version of comix-ngn use want to use: comixngn.js or comixngn.min.js [Recommended]. You probably shouldn't change this unless you are debugging.
If using Bellerophon Embed, do not add additional plugins via the script tag. Since they load immediately while comixngn.js may be deffered, the plugins will panic and refuse to load. Simply add the plugin path as a string to the loadcng array in Bellerophon Embed to include plugins.
*Time to render or DOM Content Loaded
**Compared to comix-ngn ;)
All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Images and text owned by other copyright holders are used here under the guidelines of the Fair Use provisions of United States Copyright Law. The following sites are meant to mirror their counterparts as closely as possible using the framework, showing its flexibility. If you are a copyright owner, and you feel that your work is being improperly used please notify me immediately at seun40@gmail.com.